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C+ Charter

C+ Charter

Both the private and public sectors must spearhead initiatives that engage citizens and societies in the pursuit of sustainability. Community involvement not only promotes awareness of the importance of sustainability but also brings diverse and creative perspectives to the table. By leading sustainable initiatives, businesses and government entities can catalyse significant changes in communities, improving quality of life, fostering social responsibility, and contributing to environmental impact mitigation.

Both the private and public sectors must spearhead initiatives that engage citizens and societies in the pursuit of sustainability. Community involvement not only promotes awareness of the importance of sustainability but also brings diverse and creative perspectives to the table. By leading sustainable initiatives, businesses and government entities can catalyse significant changes in communities, improving quality of life, fostering social responsibility, and contributing to environmental impact mitigation.


Framework that encompasses the entire Climate Positive movement, to call for action and unity. This strategic approach not only emphasizes the urgency of addressing climate challenges but also underscores the importance of collaboration. By fostering a sense of shared responsibility, our framework inspires positive change and encourages a harmonious effort towards a sustainable and resilient future. Together, we can make a significant impact on the global stage, turning the tide towards a more environmentally conscious and prosperous world.

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