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C+ Imprint

C+ Imprint

We are inspired to develop the Principle of Climate Positive by the contributions of many communities and the wisdom of our ancestors. We will endeavour to fulfil our solidarity responsibility and advance the common good.

We are inspired to develop the Principle of Climate Positive by the contributions of many communities and the wisdom of our ancestors. We will endeavour to fulfil our solidarity responsibility and advance the common good.

At the core of our strategy lies a meticulously designed Hierarchy of Actions, woven into the fabric of a Virtuous Circle. Commencing with a Renaissance, we undergo a profound revival, prompting a reconsideration of our approaches and a deliberate shift in thinking by design. 

The first pillar in this hierarchy is Mitigate, where we actively engage in reducing and preventing the adverse impacts of of human activities strategic measures and sustainable practices. Following this, we enter the realm of Remediate, where we earnestly strive to restore and repair the environmental damage caused, employing innovative solutions to eliminate the consequences of our past actions.

Completing the circle is Compensate, where we take responsibility for any lingering negative effects by investing in initiatives that contribute positively to both the environment and communities. This comprehensive approach reflects our dedication to creating a meaningful and lasting positive impact, acknowledging the intricate interplay between our decisions and their repercussions.

Principles: Examining the foundations of Sustainable Development within the framework of the Hierarchy of Actions, grounded in insights derived from nature, prioritizes the collective welfare and fair allocation of value.

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